Important information about your 2 year old


Set firm, fair rules and keep them the same to teach your child respect and discipline. Make timeouts in a neutral area of the house (one minute for each year of age) with no toys or distractions. Do not talk to your child when they are in timeout. Listen to your child and explain to them why they are in timeout afterwards. Help your child feel included with family routines and praise them for good behavior.


Read with your child every day. Model respectful behavior and language to your child. Offer two good options and let your child decide which option to pick. Your child will enjoy playing with other children but is still in a “selfish” stage. They are not ready to share but you can teach them to take turns. Do not allow biting or hitting. Reinforce the desired behavior. Singing and rhyming games with your child are important. Encourage self expression. Help your child express their joy, anger, sadness, and other emotions by saying “I see you are sad/angry/happy…”


The following are signs that your child is ready to toilet train: This is when they know if they are wet and dry, can pull their pants up and down, knows when they get the urge to go to the bathroom, wakes up dry from naps and knows what the potty is used for. Hygiene is important. Teach your child how to wash their hands and to sneeze/cough in their elbow. Help your child brush their teeth twice a day with children’s toothpaste. Limit screen time to no more than 1 hour/day of educational material. Visit (helps families make smart media choices, with ratings of apps, games, and movies). Screens (phone, tablet, TV) can delay language growth, thinking skills, attention, and behavior. Encourage physical activity/tech-free time as a family. Do not let your child eat in front of the TV.


Your child should eat 3 meals with 2-3 healthy snacks per day. Give snacks like fruits, vegetables, turkey/cheese roll-up and plain or vanilla yogurt (avoid snacks like yakult and danonino). 1% or 2% milk and water are best (in sippy cup). Encourage your child to feed themselves and let them decide what and how much they want to eat off of the plate. Do not force or get frustrated if they refuse food. Visit to learn more about healthy eating habits.


Make sure your home is safe for your child. Keep medicines and cleaning liquids out of reach. Use an age-appropriate rear-facing seat for your child. The back seat of the car is the safest place for them. Watch your child when they are around cars. Around water, always be within arm’s reach of your child, and sign them up for swim lessons. Keep matches out of sight and test smoke alarms every six months. Make sure they use a helmet when riding a bike.

Poison Control: 1-800-222-1222

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2909 North IH35
Austin, Texas 78722

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1101 Camino La Costa
Austin, TX 78752

People's at Manor Mustang Clinic

10323 US290 East, Building 35
Manor, TX 78653