Immunizations Program

Immunizations are an essential element of a well-rounded plan for good health.

Even diseases that have been eliminated in this country, such as polio, are only a plane ride away. At People’s Community Clinic, we maintain an active Immunization Program because vaccinations enable us to prevent many diseases that would otherwise be life-threatening or disabling to our patients.

The Immunizations Program at People’s provides vaccines to patients as part of our efforts to provide cost-effective healthcare through preventive measures. The majority of immunizations are given to children 1-6 years of age, however, People’s strives to exceed national compliance rates for both youth and adult patients. The clinic has a robust immunizations program dedicated to monitoring when patients are due for a dose.

Vaccines not only prevent disease in the people who receive them, they also protect those who haven’t been vaccinated due to age, allergy, or illness. This type of preventive medicine means better care for our patients and a more cost-effective way to deliver healthcare. People’s physicians believe it is critical to use every opportunity to provide the recommended immunization series to all our patients under 2 years of age.

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