GOALS Program

The GOALS Program (Generating Outcomes And Liaisons for Students) formally began in 2005 to provide specialty and primary care support with youth ages 4-19 with neurodevelopmental and behavioral concerns that interfere with learning.  This interdisciplinary program combines support of People’s pediatric and adolescent physicians, Medical Legal Partnership lawyers, People’s social workers, rotating trainees, consulting psychiatry, and the GOALS program coordinator and staff to promote optimal wellness and development for the individual student. The team partners with schools and outside agencies. The pandemic has been particularly difficult on students who need accommodations in order to learn at their best. Online schooling and accompanying stress created many challenges.

The GOALS team adapted and implemented changes that were crucial to further assist our patients during the Covid-19 pandemic. The GOALS team provided at-home ADHD resources for parents and caregivers to alleviate some of the struggles of online schooling. The GOALS team followed up with patient’s schools to collaborate on ensuring continuation of support during virtual schooling and informed patients that their educational rights remained in place during school closings. They also created at-home versions of their spring and summer activities packets, which offer free or low-cost activity and educational resources for families. The GOALS team moved their psychiatry conferences to a virtual platform, which provided vital ongoing medication evaluations for GOALS patients during the pandemic. Additionally, counseling patients received support for coping with new and ongoing stressors exacerbated by the pandemic.

The GOALS team is involved in a community participatory research collaboration with The University of Texas faculty and students. The research demonstrates the benefits of our unique psychiatric clinic and gives our patients and their families a voice in medical literature.

GOALS is supported by a community advisory council that meets with area professionals to review standards and resources regarding youth with special needs. GOALS patients receive ongoing assessment and support from their team to promote optimal well-being and school success. GOALS serves over 400 patients a year.


Anne Koncki
GOALS Program Manager

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