NY Times: Asia is still enduring its first Omicron surge, while Europe may get a second

The article below has been shared from The New York Times.

Commuters crossing London Bridge at sunrise in late February.
Credit…Tom Nicholson/Reuters

As the Asia-Pacific region struggles with its first Omicron surge, it appears that Europe may be heading for a second jump, just as countries on both continents have rapidly lifted most pandemic restrictions.

Global cases, which bottomed out in early March, are rising again, driven by high caseloads in Asia and Europe, according to the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University. Cases per capita in Europe were already far higher than any other region in the world when they began creeping up again recently.

Parts of Asia are enduring their worst outbreaks ever as the Omicron variant continues its first sweep through the continent. The situation is especially dire in China, an outlier that remains committed to stamping out the virus, as well as New Zealand and South Korea, countries that like others around Asia have moved on from what had been some of the world’s strictest Covid rules.

In Europe, some are bracing for what could be another Omicron wave, with cases on the rise again in FranceBritainItaly and elsewhere and again approaching record levels in Germany. And the war in Ukraine has prompted fears that another outbreak could explode there at any time.

This comes weeks after many European countries thought they were free of the worst of Covid and raced to lift restrictions in February and March.

On Tuesday, the Netherlands announced it would drop most of its remaining pandemic restrictions, including its mask mandate, on March 23. Cases have just started declining after surges in February and March, according to Our World in Data.

Austriathe first Western democracy to impose a general Covid vaccine mandate, abandoned the requirement last week. Caseloads have now surged to record levels there, according to Our World in Data.

Dr. Eric Topol, the founder and director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute, said that loosening restrictions in Europe may have contributed to a spike in cases. Other factors could include waning vaccine immunity and the rapid spread of a more contagious Omicron subvariant, BA.2, he said.

Dr. Topol said Europe’s worst periods throughout the pandemic have been a harbinger of what was to come in the United States.

“Every time we followed suit within a matter of weeks,” he said.

While caseloads in the United States have declined drastically since their record highs in mid-January, according to a New York Times database, Dr. Topol said one indicator that will be closely watched for an early sign of a new spike will be wastewater sewage data.

Because people excrete the virus through their stool, wastewater can be used to predict where the coronavirus is or will be prevalent and if a new variant is circulating.

About 38 percent of active U.S. wastewater sampling sites reported an increase in coronavirus levels from Feb. 24 to March 10, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s wastewater data tracker, which surveys 688 wastewater sites across the country.

Dr. Jay Varma, an epidemiologist who was a senior health adviser to former Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York City, warned that people should be prepared for another wave of cases and not let their guard down.

“We have to plan for the worst and hope for the best, like hurricane season,” he said.

Emma G. Fitzsimmons contributed reporting.

Información sobre la vacuna COVID-19

¿Podría la vacuna contagiarme de COVID?

No. La vacuna de COVID no contiene virus activos, por lo que no es posible contraer COVID a través de la vacuna.


¿Cuáles son los beneficios de vacunarse contra el COVID?

Las vacunas contra el COVID ayudan a prevenir el contagio del COVID. Las vacunas también previenen los casos más graves de COVID que pueden causar una enfermedad grave o la muerte. Según los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC, por sus siglas en inglés), una vez que usted está completamente vacunado puede 1) estar en un lugar cerrado con otras personas completamente vacunadas sin mascarilla y 2) estar en un lugar cerrado con personas no vacunadas de otro hogar. Siga las indicaciones de CDC para obtener más información: www.cdc.gov


¿Tendré que seguir usando una mascarilla después de vacunarme?

Sí. Seguirá siendo necesario que use una mascarilla y se mantenga al menos a 6 pies de distancia de los demás (las excepciones a esta directriz se mencionan arriba), porque la vacuna no previene el COVID en el 100% de los casos.


¿Cuáles son los efectos secundarios más comunes de la vacuna?

Muchas personas presentan dolor, enrojecimiento e hinchazón en el brazo en el que recibieron la vacuna COVID. También es frecuente que después de vacunarse se sientan más cansados de lo normal, tengan dolor de cabeza, inflamación de los ganglios linfáticos, dolor muscular, escalofríos, fiebre, náuseas y/o vómitos. Los efectos secundarios son una muestra de que la vacuna está funcionando.


¿Cuánto tiempo después de vacunarme estoy protegido contra COVID?

Está completamente vacunado dos semanas después de la vacuna Johnson & Johnson o dos semanas después de la segunda dosis de Pfizer o Moderna.


¿Cuánto dura la protección de la vacuna?

Todavía no sabemos cuánto tiempo le puede proteger la vacuna contra el COVID. Vacunas de refuerzo ya están disponibles para mejorar la inmunidad.


¿Necesitaré una segunda vacuna?

Dos de las vacunas (Pfizer y Moderna) requieren una segunda inyección. La persona que lo vacune le explicará qué vacuna está recibiendo y si será necesaria una segunda inyección.


¿Está bien si mi segunda inyección es con una vacuna COVID diferente a la primera?

Esto no se recomienda. En muy pocos casos, es posible que su médico le dé una vacuna diferente para su segunda dosis. Es importante que preste atención a la recomendación de su médico.


Una vez que me he vacunado, ¿es posible que contagie a otra persona con la enfermedad?

Esto aún se está estudiando. Hasta ahora, parece poco probable que las personas vacunadas que han estado expuestas al COVID pero no muestran síntomas de infección puedan contagiar a otros. La opción más segura es seguir usando mascarilla y mantenerse a distancia de los demás, especialmente cuando se trata de personas no vacunadas y con mayor riesgo de contraer una enfermedad grave por COVID.


¿Se puede administrar la vacuna a los niños o a los adolescentes?

La vacuna brinde una fuerte protección contra la hospitalización y la muerte y está disponible para niños de 5 años y adelante.


Can the vaccine give me COVID?

No. There is no live virus in the COVID vaccine, so it is not possible to catch COVID from the vaccine.


What are the benefits of getting a COVID vaccine?

COVID vaccines help prevent you from getting COVID. Vaccines also prevent most cases of severe COVID which can lead to serious illness or death. According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), once you are fully vaccinated you may 1) be indoors with other fully vaccinated peoples without a mask and 2) be indoors with unvaccinated people from one other household. Follow the CDC for complete information:www.cdc.gov


Will I still need to wear a mask after I get the vaccine? 

Yes. You will still need to wear a mask and stay at least 6 feet away from others (exceptions to this guideline are listed above), because the vaccine does not prevent COVID 100% of the time.


What are the most common side effects of the vaccine?

Many people experience pain, redness and swelling in the arm where they got their COVID shot. It’s also common to have a headache, swollen lymph nodes, muscle pain or aches, chills, fever, nausea and/or vomiting and to feel tired after getting vaccinated. Side effects show that the vaccine is working.


How soon after I get vaccinated am I protected from COVID? 

You are fully vaccinated two weeks after a Johnson & Johnson vaccine or two weeks after your second dose of Pfizer or Moderna.


How long will the protection last?

We don’t yet know how long the vaccine will protect you from COVID. It’s possible that in the future, you may need a COVID booster shot to improve immunity.


Will I need a second shot?

Two of the vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) do require a second shot. The person vaccinating you will discuss which vaccine you are receiving and if you need a second shot.


Is it OK if my second shot is with a different COVID vaccine than the first one?

This is not recommended. In rare situations, it’s possible your doctor will give you a different vaccine for your second dose. It’s important to listen to the recommendation of your doctor.


Once I’ve been vaccinated, is it still possible for me to spread the disease to someone else?

This is still being studied. So far, it seems unlikely that vaccinated people who have been exposed to COVID but are not showing symptoms of infection can spread COVID to others. The safest option is to continue to mask and distance, especially around people who are unvaccinated and at increased risk of severe illness from COVID.


Can the vaccine be given to my children or teenagers?

The COVID vaccine is available to anyone 5 years and older.

April Suggested Media List

Jeff Hutchinson, MD, FAAP

April does not have one chosen cultural celebration. Passover, Easter, are Ramadan are all recognized in April, and spring is seen as the beginning of new life. This month’s reading list is focused on hope in the future and will hopefully lead us all in conversations of growth.


Start with this TED talk on Nature. Beauty. Gratitude https://youtu.be/8lXYZ6s3Dfk

  1. Share with someone a time nature made you stop and smile?
  2. Consider starting a gratitude journal



Amy Cuddy is inspiring and relatable. Her book: Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges is an excellent read.

  1. Have a conversation with someone about how our minds (emotions) and bodies (physical) are connected
  2. Notice the times that you feel like you are being yourself


Austin Kleon’s very short book: Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You about Being Creative will make you smile and feel inspired to do something creative.

After reading this book consider the following actions:

  1. Find someone to discuss whether creativity is inherited or learned
  2. Now is a great time to do something creative. What’s stopping you?


For those who like short stories of inspiration go to: https://thoughtcatalog.com/january-nelson/2018/09/motivational-stories/.

This are easy stories to share with kids to have a conversation.

  1. Which story did you enjoy the most?
  2. Which story has a moral that lines up with your views?


Bonus work: Find any of Aesop’s Fables or watch old Sherman and Mr. Peabody cartoons for fun.


Keep your eyes open for other ways to engage and help everyone feel like they belong.

Recursos para la recuperación después de la tormenta de invierno

Las recientes nevadas y temperaturas bajo cero en todo Texas han dificultado la vida de muchas personas. A continuación encontrará recursos de ayuda para cortes de agua y los demás servicios, lugares de distribución de agua, problemas de suministro de energía y electricidad, servicios de reparación de emergencia, servicios de transporte; servicios de basura, compostaje y reciclaje; refugios para el clima frío, asistencia de la Agencia Federal para el Manejo de Emergencias (FEMA, por sus siglas en inglés) y del Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano (HUD, por sus siglas en inglés) así como también ayuda de organizaciones locales sin fines de lucro.




La Comisión de Servicios Públicos ha ordenado que sus servicios públicos (electricidad, gas, etc.) no sean desconectados en este momento. Esto sólo es válido para los clientes de Oncor, AEP, Centerpoint y TNMP.

Austin Energy está reportando que el servicio ha sido restaurado en un 99.99%. Para obtener la información más actualizada, vaya a:

Si en su área hay un distribuidor de servicios públicos diferente a Austin Energy, póngase en contacto con dicho distribuidor.

Distribuidores de electricidad

  • Bluebonnet Electric Co-op: 800.842.7708 o bluebonnetelectric.coop/
  • Oncor Electric: 888.313.4747 o oncor.com/SitePages/Home.aspx
  • Pedernales Electric Co-op: 888.554.4732 o pec.coop/

Distribuidores de gas natural

  • ATMOS Energy: 888.286.6700 o http://atmosenergy.com/
  • CenterPoint Energy: 800-752-8036 o centerpointenergy.com/
  • Servicio de Gas Natural SiEnergy: 888.468.7007 o sienergy.com/
  • Servicio de Gas de Texas: 800.700.2443 o texasgasservice.com/



La ciudad de Austin tiene un sitio web para apoyar a los residentes locales y dueños de negocios cuyas propiedades resultaron dañadas por la reciente tormenta de invierno. Visite austintexas.gov/atxrepairs para encontrar información sobre plomeros, electricistas y otros contratistas; solicitudes de servicio y cumplimiento de códigos; el proceso de permisos de emergencia de la Ciudad; asistencia financiera para propietarios de viviendas; y programas de asistencia federal y local.



Para obtener información sobre reparaciones de emergencia en su vivienda o negocio y obtener permisos, visite el sitio de Reparaciones de Emergencia de Austin o llame al 512.974.1500. Esta línea telefónica de atención exclusiva estará abierta durante el horario de oficina a partir del lunes 22 de febrero de 2021. Los residentes pueden comenzar a hacer reparaciones en sus viviendas tan pronto como puedan, y deben ponerse en contacto con el Departamento de Servicios de Desarrollo dentro de un día hábil para adquirir un permiso si lo necesitan.



Por favor, póngase en contacto con:



El aviso de hervir el agua en toda la ciudad ha sido cancelado para los clientes de Austin Water. Los detalles se pueden encontrar aquí: Aviso de hervir el agua y preguntas frecuentes

Si las tuberías de su vivienda o negocio se han reventado, detenga el derroche de agua cerrando la válvula de corte del propietario. Si no puede localizar la válvula de corte del propietario o si no funciona, llame a Austin Water al 512-972-1000 para que le ayuden a cortar el agua. Austin Water sigue disponible para contestar llamadas relacionadas con el servicio al cliente, pero las líneas pueden encontrarse ocupadas a causa de la alta demanda. El formulario en línea es la forma más fácil de obtener información.



Visite el sitio web de Austin para obtener información sobre dónde recoger agua.



CapMetro proporcionará un servicio de transporte a los lugares de distribución de agua en el Onion Creek Soccer Complex, ACC Pinnacle, Roy G. Guerrero Park y Walnut Creek Park. Los clientes pueden acceder al servicio de transporte en las paradas de autobús más cercanas a cada lugar de distribución de agua:

– Una parada de autobús provisoria en William Cannon para acceder al Onion Creek Soccer Complex (con servicio de la ruta 333)

– Oak Hill Plaza para acceder a ACC Pinnacle (con servicio de las rutas 315 y 333)

– ACC Riverside Transit Center para acceder a Roy G. Guerrero Park (con servicio de las rutas 217, 271, 310, 311 y 350)

– Parada de autobús N Lamar/Walnut Creek para acceder al parque Walnut Creek (con servicio de la ruta 1)

El servicio de transporte estará disponible en cada uno de estos lugares hasta que se agote el agua.



El estado de Texas tiene un centro de llamadas para ayudar a aquellos que tienen acceso limitado a Internet o ningún acceso a Internet, a completar la Herramienta de evaluación del estado de Texas (iSTAT). Los tejanos pueden llamar al 844-844-3089 entre las 8:00 a. M. Y las 8:00 p. M. Los siete días de la semana para enviar su información de daños por desastre.



Todas las rutas de CapMetro operarán con sus horarios regulares el lunes 22 de febrero.

Las tarifas gratuitas se extenderán hasta el domingo 28 de febrero en un esfuerzo por proporcionar a todos el acceso a las personas, los lugares y los recursos que necesitan en este momento crítico.



Después de suspender el servicio de recolección en la acera debido al mal tiempo y las condiciones inseguras de las carreteras, Austin Resource Recovery reanudará el servicio el lunes 22 de febrero. Para obtener las últimas actualizaciones sobre cuándo se reanudarán los servicios, visite el sitio web de Austin Resource Recovery o descargue la aplicación Recycle ATX para recibir notificaciones sobre su horario de recolección en la acera.



FEMA ha anunciado que la ayuda federal de emergencia está disponible para los texanos afectados por la tormenta invernal a partir del 11 de febrero de 2021. La fecha límite para que cualquier persona solicite asistencia para la recuperación de este desastre es el 20 de abril de 2021. Para solicitar asistencia en caso de desastre en la vivienda y en el negocio, vaya a DisasterAssistance.gov o llame a FEMA al (800) 621-3362. En la primera página del sitio web de FEMA, haga clic en “Aplicar en línea” para empezar.



El Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano de los Estados Unidos (HUD) anunció el lunes que proporcionará asistencia federal para catástrofes a los propietarios y compradores de viviendas en las zonas afectadas por las fuertes tormentas invernales. Los condados de Texas que están bajo la declaración de catástrofe grave del presidente Joe Biden podrán obtener ayuda para la ejecución hipotecaria y otros tipos de asistencia del HUD:

Agencias de consejería: las agencias de consejería de vivienda aprobadas por HUD tienen consejeros disponibles para ayudar a los afectados por las tormentas.

Ayuda para la ejecución hipotecaria: la moratoria automática de 90 días de HUD sobre las ejecuciones hipotecarias de hipotecas de vivienda aseguradas por la Administración Federal de Vivienda comenzó para los condados designados de Texas en la fecha de la declaración. Se insta a los prestatarios que no pueden hacer pagos hipotecarios a llamar a su administrador de préstamos.

Seguro hipotecario: HUD es capaz de proporcionar un seguro FHA a las víctimas de desastres cuyas casas fueron destruidas o dañadas hasta el punto de que la reconstrucción o sustitución es necesaria. Para aquellos que se enfrentan a la reconstrucción o la compra de otra vivienda, el programa permite a los prestatarios que cumplen los requisitos obtener una financiación del 100%, incluyendo los gastos de cierre.

Seguro tanto para hipotecas como para restauración de viviendas: uno de los programas de préstamos del HUD que permite a quienes han perdido su vivienda a financiar la compra o realizar una refinanciación de una vivienda junto con su reparación a través de una hipoteca única. Los propietarios de viviendas dañadas podrán financiar la reconstrucción de su vivienda unifamiliar.

Poner a disposición información sobre los proveedores de vivienda: HUD compartirá detalles con FEMA y el estado sobre los proveedores de vivienda que pueden tener unidades disponibles en las áreas afectadas.



Los pacientes de People’s pueden solicitar asistencia legal al Programa Médico Legal (MPL, por sus siglas en inglés). El MLP puede ayudar con:

  • Desalojo
  • Desconexión de los servicios públicos si el distribuidor es Oncor, American Electric Power (AEP), Centerpoint o TNMP
  • Negación de las prestaciones de desempleo
  • Negación de SNAP
  • Negación de FEMA



El Servicio de Impuestos Internos (IRS, por sus siglas en inglés) ha ampliado el plazo para la declaración de impuestos hasta el 15 de junio de 2021. Puede encontrar más información aquí.


Women’s History Month Suggested Media


March is National Women’s History Month, along with other observances. With St. Patrick’s Day, the month is sometimes seen as a celebration of Irish-American Heritage. We can all find ways to celebrate and recognize other cultures and accomplishments. The reading list this month is a small way to keep others in mind.



Start by surfing https://womenshistorymonth.gov/ to learn more about Women’s History Month.

  1. What fact surprised you?
  2. Pick one person to share the information with and why it means something to you.


Rachel Naomi Remen’s Kitchen Table Wisdom: Stories That Heal

We all remember stories more than facts. Maya Angelou’s quote “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feelis year-round wisdom. After reading this book consider the following questions:

  1. What are the reasons we have very different applications of the law?
  2. What are the things that we can do as individuals to address this disparity?


Nutrition is not a culture but nutrition plays a role in every culture’s cuisine. We have incredible people at People’s with expertise in nutrition and culture. Please don’t forget about them. In the meantime we can all improve our cultural awareness especially related to food. Consider the article: Your Nutrition Advice Won’t Help if It’s Not Culturally Sensitive

  1. What is the history behind some unhealthy choices? (Hint: economics)
  2. Have a conversation with family about food.



Brené Brown is a Texan inspiring the world from her podcasts to TED talks and books. Pick any of her work to acknowledge this month. Her book: I Thought It was Just Me: Women Reclaiming Power and Courage in a Culture of Shame is an excellent read.

  1. How did this book change the way you look at shame?
  2. Which story of courage can you relate to your life?


Listen to The Celtic Women’s Danny Boy

  1. Listen with someone else for the first time.
  2. Talk about your thoughts.



Winter Storm Recovery Resources

The recent snow and freezing temperatures across Texas made life difficult for many people. Find help with the resources listed below for water outages and services, water distribution locations, energy and power issues, emergency repair services, transportation services; trash, composting, and recycling services; cold weather shelters, FEMA, HUD help, and help from local nonprofits.

The Public Utilities Commission has ordered that your utilities (electricity, gas, etc.) may not be disconnected at this time. This only applies to customers of Oncor, AEP, Centerpoint, and TNMP.
Austin Energy is currently reporting 99.99% service restored. For the most up-to-date information, go to:

If your area is serviced by a utility provider other than Austin Energy, please reach out to that utility.


Natural Gas Providers


  • Storm repair help from the City of Austin

The City of Austin has a website to support local residents and business owners whose properties were damaged in the recent winter storm. Visit austintexas.gov/atxrepairs to find information about plumbers, electricians, and other contractors; code compliance and service requests; the City’s emergency permitting process; homeowner’s funding assistance; and federal and local assistance programs.


  • Emergency repairs on your home or business

For information on emergency repair for your home or business and permitting, please visit Austin’s Emergency Repairs site or call 512.974.1500. This dedicated hotline line will be open during business hours beginning Monday, February 22, 2021. Residents can begin work repairing homes as soon as they are able, and should contact the Development Services Department within one business day to acquire a permit if needed.


  • Volunteer teams are helping people clean out their homes and remove debris.

Please contact:


  • Water Outages and Services

The citywide boil water notice has been lifted for customers of Austin water.

If pipes at your home or business have burst, stop water waste by turning off your water at the property-owners cut-off valve. If you are unable to locate your property-owners cut-off valve or if it won’t work, then call Austin Water at 512-972-1000 for assistance with turning off your water. Austin Water remains available to take calls regarding customer service questions, but lines may be busy due to high demand. The online form is the easiest way to get us information.


  • Water Distribution Locations

Visit Austin’s website for information on where to pick up water.

  • All sites will provide free water on a first come, first served basis, while supplies last.
  • We are asking that water allocations at these sites be reserved for those who have not been able to purchase or boil water.
  • Please have your trunk open or your doors unlocked so volunteers can place water in your vehicle promptly.
  • If you are on foot, we recommend that you bring a cart or carrier large enough to hold one case of water.


  • Shuttles to Water Distribution Sites

CapMetro will provide shuttle service to the water distribution sites at the Onion Creek Soccer Complex, ACC Pinnacle, Roy G. Guerrero Park and Walnut Creek Park. Customers can access the shuttles at the bus stops nearest to each water distribution site:

  • A temporary bus stop on William Cannon for access to the Onion Creek Soccer Complex (served by Route 333)
  • Oak Hill Plaza for access to ACC Pinnacle (served by Routes 315 and 333)
  • ACC Riverside Transit Center for access to Roy G. Guerrero Park (served by Routes 217, 271, 310, 311, 350)
  • N Lamar/Walnut Creek bus stop for access to Walnut Creek Park (served by Route 1)

Shuttles will be onsite at each of these locations until water runs out.


  • State of Texas Assessment Tool (iSTAT) Update

The State of Texas has a call center to assist those who have limited or no internet access, with completing the State of Texas Assessment Tool (iSTAT). Texans can call 844-844-3089 between 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM seven days a week to submit their disaster damage information.


  • Transportation Services

All CapMetro routes will operate with their regular schedules on Monday, February 22.

Free fares will be extended through Sunday, February 28 in an effort to provide everyone access to the people, places and resources they need at this critical time.


  • Trash, Composting, and Recycling Services

After suspending curbside pickup due to severe weather and unsafe road conditions, Austin Resource Recovery will resume service on Monday, February 22. For the latest updates on when services will resume, please visit the Austin Resource Recovery website or download the Recycle ATX app to receive notifications about your curbside collection schedule.


  • Federal Emergency Management Aid (FEMA)

FEMA has announced that federal emergency aid is available to Texans impacted by the winter storm as of February 11, 2021. The deadline for anyone to apply for assistance for recovery from this disaster is April 20, 2021. To apply for both home and business disaster assistance, go to DisasterAssistance.gov or call FEMA at (800) 621-3362. On the front page of the FEMA website, click “Apply Online” to get started.


  • HUD (housing assistance)

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) on Monday announced it was providing federal disaster assistance to homeowners and homebuyers in areas affected by the severe winter storms. Texas counties under President Joe Biden’s major disaster declaration will be able to get foreclosure relief and other assistance from HUD:

Counseling agencies: HUD-approved housing counseling agencies have counselors available to help those impacted by the storms.

Foreclosure relief: HUD’s automatic 90-day moratorium on foreclosures of Federal Housing Administration-insured home mortgages began for the designated Texas counties on the date of the declaration. Borrowers who cannot make mortgage payments are urged to call their loan servicer.

Mortgage insurance: HUD is able to provide FHA insurance to disaster victims whose homes were destroyed or damaged to the point that reconstruction or replacement is necessary. For those facing rebuilding or buying another come, the program allows eligible borrowers to get 100% financing, including closing costs.

Insurance for both mortgages and home rehabilitation: One of HUD’s loan programs allows those who have lost their homes to finance the purchase or refinance of a house along with its repair through a single mortgage. Homeowners who have damaged homes will be able to finance the rehabilitation of their existing single-family home.

Making info on housing providers available: HUD will share details with FEMA and the state on housing providers that may have available units in impacted areas.


  • Help from People’s Medical-Legal Program (MLP)

Patients at People’s may request legal assistance from the Medical-Legal Program. The MLP can help with:

  • Eviction
  • Utilities disconnection if provider is Oncor, American Electric Power (AEP), Centerpoint, or TNMP
  • Denial of Unemployment benefits
  • SNAP denial
  • FEMA denial


  • New Deadline for Tax Filings

The IRS has extended the tax filing deadline through June 15, 2021. More information can be found here.


The Voice – January 2021 Newsletter



The Voice of People’s Community Clinic | January 2021                         View this email in your browser


Each year on the third Monday of January, America honors the birth, life, and dream of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. MLK Day is the only national holiday designated as a national day of service to encourage all Americans to volunteer to improve their communities. Let’s not forget the many injustices that people of color faced in 2020, for MLK would want us to continue to preserve and create change within our communities in 2021. This January, let’s remember his fight for the freedom, equality, and dignity of all races and peoples through nonviolence. Be sure to check out here our January suggested media list that focuses on Martin Luther King Jr. and ways you can serve.



Dr. Jeff Hutchinson:
Earning Your Trust For Vaccines

Dr. Hutchinson of People’s Adolescent Health Department dissolves myths and builds confidence for vaccines in a 20 minute presentation. A recorded Q&A follows, answering many questions people have about the COVID-19 vaccine.
Watch here


You’re invited! Tuesday, January 19th at 6 PM CST
People’s Collective Wine Tasting (Today is the last day to purchase tickets)
A virtual event to learn about wine and meet new friends of the clinic

Join us for our first People’s Collective event of the year. This month, we will have a private wine tasting hosted by Hotel Magdalena and Summer House On Music Lane on Tuesday, January 19, at 6 pm. Attendees will pick up curated wines and bites from the hotel, and then head home for an expert-led, virtual tasting. The gathering will emphasize enjoying fine wine alongside friends from People’s Collective. Tickets are $30 each or free if you are a member. Today is the last day to RSVP – please click here to RSVP. To join, please click here. For tickets, please click here.

For the month of January, People’s Community Clinic will receive the “round up” proceeds at Wheatsville Food Co-Op. We encourage you to shop and drop off your gently used children’s books at either of Wheatsville’s two locations.


Michael Mackert, Ph.D., Director of The University of Texas at Austin’s Center for Health Communication, generously volunteers his time and expertise to People’s Board of Directors. Mike also serves as the chair of the Communications Committee. He is a valuable and reliable advisor in all matters related to health communication, and has assisted the Communications department in its work reaching patients for vaccines, telemedicine, and much more.



Copyright © 2021 People’s Community Clinic, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you are a current supporter of PCC. Thank you!Our mailing address is:

People’s Community Clinic

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Suggested Media: February 2021

Dr. Jeff Hutchinson, Center for Adolescent Health

This month we will focus on Black History Month.

Black History Month begins in 1915, half a century after the Thirteenth Amendment abolished slavery in the United States. President Gerald Ford officially recognized Black History Month in 1976, calling upon the public to “seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history.”


February 2021 suggested media:



Michelle Alexander’s The New Jim Crow

This is a challenging read that highlights the disparity in the criminal justice system. It will make you angry and cause disbelief in where we are today.

After reading this book consider the following questions:

  1. What are the reasons we have very different applications of the law?
  2. What are the things that we can do as individuals to address this disparity?


Isabel Wilkerson has two incredible books: The Warmth of Other Suns and Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents. The first describes the largest migration in the US when 6 million African Americans fled the south.The second compares the Caste system in India to the unofficial caste system in the US.

  1. Why did you choose to read this book?
  2. What are the lingering effects of the migration or the caste system?


Well-Read Black Girl, by Glory Edim

This collection of essays by Black women will provide a unique perspective

  1. Which essay was the most meaningful to you?
  2. How is the storytelling different from other storytelling?



The 1619 Podcast This 5 part series explores the legacy of slavery.

  1. What fact surprised you the most
  2. Why would people oppose teaching this information?



Take a virtual tour of the National Museum of African American History and Culture in DC


  1. Share with someone a part of history that you learned
  2. What is different between a virtual visit and a visit in person?


Keep your eyes open for other ways to engage in Black History Month.

Suggested Media: January 2021

Dr. Jeff Hutchinson, Center for Adolescent Health

Welcome 2021! This month’s suggested reading list focuses on Service and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Our commitment to inclusion, diversity, equity and advocacy continues.

January does not have a cultural recognition title but includes Poverty Awareness, Global Family Day, World Braille Day and International Holocaust Remembrance Day. The Martin Luther King Jr. holiday on Jan. 18, 2021, marks the 26th anniversary of the day of service that celebrates the Civil Rights leader’s life and legacy. The third Monday in January is “a day on, not a day off,” and the only federal holiday designated as a national day of service to encourage all Americans to volunteer to improve their communities.



This article can be a blueprint to service: “7 Fast and Powerful Ways You Can Serve Others: Are you using your ability to change someone’s life?

  1. Share with someone a cause you feel passionate towards.
  2. Pick one of the seven ways to serve and do it.
  3. Ask someone close to you to also pick a cause to serve.



Give and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to Success” by Adam Grant. This book describes the three characteristics we all have: giver, taker and matcher. Adam Grant argues that being more of a giver builds relationships and success.

  1. Describe the situations in your life where you are a giver, taker and matcher.
  2. What are the barriers that keep us from being more generous?
  3. Reach out to someone you consider a “giver” and thank them.

Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End” by Atul Gawande. This book is a personal reflection on dealing with our mortality and the changes we’ve seen in how we treat the elderly. This book stresses how important it is to recognize the wishes of the people we seek to help.

  1. After reading the book you should feel the need to talk to family members about their wishes. What makes that conversation difficult?
  2. Describe a time you realized that your help was not helping.
  3. Let your elders know how special they are.



Please listen to the entire “I have a dream” speech: https://youtu.be/1UV1fs8lAbg. Many of Dr. King’s points remain true today.

  1. What does being judged by the content of your character mean?
  2. What did you learn listening to the speech that you never knew before?
  3. What is your dream for the future?


Service is a challenge when we are low on energy, resources and time. 2020 asked so much of each person that retreating from service feels like the only way to take care of ourselves. Service to others is actually one of the best things we can do to help give us hope and move us forward.

Stay well and know that every journey is better with a friend.