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April Suggested Media List

Jeff Hutchinson, MD, FAAP

April does not have one chosen cultural celebration. Passover, Easter, are Ramadan are all recognized in April, and spring is seen as the beginning of new life. This month’s reading list is focused on hope in the future and will hopefully lead us all in conversations of growth.


Start with this TED talk on Nature. Beauty. Gratitude

  1. Share with someone a time nature made you stop and smile?
  2. Consider starting a gratitude journal



Amy Cuddy is inspiring and relatable. Her book: Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges is an excellent read.

  1. Have a conversation with someone about how our minds (emotions) and bodies (physical) are connected
  2. Notice the times that you feel like you are being yourself


Austin Kleon’s very short book: Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You about Being Creative will make you smile and feel inspired to do something creative.

After reading this book consider the following actions:

  1. Find someone to discuss whether creativity is inherited or learned
  2. Now is a great time to do something creative. What’s stopping you?


For those who like short stories of inspiration go to:

This are easy stories to share with kids to have a conversation.

  1. Which story did you enjoy the most?
  2. Which story has a moral that lines up with your views?


Bonus work: Find any of Aesop’s Fables or watch old Sherman and Mr. Peabody cartoons for fun.


Keep your eyes open for other ways to engage and help everyone feel like they belong.