The Magic of Everyday Moments (18-24 Months)

Remember, everyday moments are rich bonding and learning opportunities. Enjoy the magic of these moments with your child.

When your child starts to talk, it opens a whole new world and ends a lot of guessing games. Most children this age can use several words. This reduces a lot of frustration for you and your child. It can also be a very exciting time as you see a vocabulary “explosion” with new words every day. The more you talk with her, the more words she learns. She’ll also have more confidence in her ability to communicate.

Of course, more words doesn’t mean an end to all parenting challenges. You may experience what many call the “terrible two’s” (which often starts before 18 months!) But while toddlers can be exhausting and infuriating at times, they aren’t “terrible.” They are just eager explorers, testing out different behaviors without yet understanding right from wrong; and, without the self-control to stop themselves from doing what they want, even if they’ve been told countless times what is and isn’t okay. So choose your battles and decide what is important to address. When you do lay down the law and are met with angry protests and tears, remind yourself that you’re doing the right thing. Although it’s never fun to be the “heavy,” children thrive on clear and consistent limits. Limits help children learn what is and isn’t acceptable and helps them make good choices as they grow.

People’s Center for Women’s Health

2909 North IH35
Austin, Texas 78722

People’s Community Clinic

1101 Camino La Costa
Austin, TX 78752

People's at Manor Mustang Clinic

10323 US290 East, Building 35
Manor, TX 78653