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Empowering Women: People’s Center for Women’s Health

People’s Center for Women’s Health (CWH) is dedicated to providing each patient with the knowledge and support to take charge of her reproductive health and live her best life. Whether her goal is to start a family, or avoid pregnancy for the short or long term, CWH has her covered.

As one of only three Title X funded clinics left in the area, People’s is the most accessible option for many Austin residents seeking comprehensive, confidential, and low-cost reproductive health care.

“Talking to women about the changes in their bodies is empowering,” said Director of Reproductive Health Melinda Lopez, MD. “Whether the change is due to age, pregnancy, medication, or some other event, it’s a privilege to be here for her whole life cycle.”

For women not wanting to become pregnant, CWH offers a wide array of contraceptives to fit a woman’s specific needs. Long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs), including IUDs and implants, are the surest way to prevent pregnancy. While the pill, the ring, and Depo-Provera shots are good for short-term prevention.

Women looking to conceive also have helpful options at CWH. An ultrasound is a valuable tool for diagnosing problems that impede getting pregnant. For example, ultrasounds can determine if a woman has polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), a common condition that can cause irregular cycles and makes conceiving difficult. Lopez can also assist by consulting with her on diet and lifestyle changes and possible medications that could improve her fertility.

Access to preventative care, birth control, comprehensive pregnancy counseling, and affordable prenatal care can be life changing—and lifesaving— for women navigating their reproductive health.

“We get to talk with women about things that they don’t talk about with anyone else,” said Lopez. “For some patients there’s a lot of shame and hesitancy surrounding certain women’s health issues, but as soon as we establish that confidential patient-provider relationship, you can sense her relief—she knows she’s not alone in whatever issue she faces.”

People’s Title X-funded Center for Women’s Health provides a full range of reproductive care on an affordable sliding scale, so Central Texans can access the care they need regardless of their insurance status or ability to pay.

However with the recent challenge to Title X, People’s may no longer rely on this crucial funding. New regulations would stop our providers from informing women of all their options—or cost People’s funding. Regardless of what happens in Washington, the clinic will stay true to our core values and continue to deliver the highest quality, empowering care. 

You can become a champion for Central Texas women. By making a gift, you will ensure that those in need will always have a place to turn for affordable birth control, comprehensive reproductive care, and prenatal care.

More on women’s health from People’s

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