Adolescent Health

Care for teens and young adults

People’s Center for Adolescent Health provides medical care and wellness services for patients ages 11 to 21. Most adolescent patients can make an appointment at People’s North Austin location on 1101 Camino La Costa. Students of the Manor Independent School district and their siblings can make an appointment at People’s Manor Mustang Clinic, located on campus at Manor High School.


Cold and FluMental Health Counseling
Allergies and AsthmaNutrition Counseling
ImmunizationsGOALS program
CheckupsTANDEM Teen Prenatal & Parenting Program
Ob/Gyn & contraceptionYouth Advisory Council
STD TestingSports Physicals



Resfrío y gripeConsejería de salud mental
Alergias y asmaAsesoramiento dietético y nutricional
VacunasPrograma de GOALS
Chequeos médicosTANDEM Programa de embarazo adolescente
GinecologíaExámenes físicos deportivos
Prueba de ETS



To make an appointment call 512-478-4939. Click here for more information on making an appointment at People’s Community Clinc.



In 2020, People’s Center for Adolescent Health (CAH) was honored to receive a Gold Level Certification as an Adolescent Centered Environment from the Adolescent Health Initiative. CAH focuses on adolescents and young adults (AYA) ages 10 to 24. It provides innovative, comprehensive primary and specialty care to meet the needs of often complex patients. Fellowship-trained adolescent medicine and other AYA-friendly physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses, lawyers, medical assistants, social workers, health educators, medical scribes, rotating trainees and volunteers, a program manager, and other health professionals focus on best practices as an interdisciplinary team. Services include physicals, immunizations, reproductive health, behavioral health, help with school problems, chronic disease management, and minor acute and sick care. CAH welcomes all AYA, including LGBTQ+ and neurodiverse.

CAH staff engage in advocacy through international, national, state, and local presentations, teaching, academic journal and textbook authorship, research, social media, professional organization membership, and other collaborations. CAH is involved in the yearly International Adolescent Health Week. CAH believes in giving voice to AYA themselves through our 14-24 year old Youth Advisory Council (YAC) members. For further questions about the program, please contact Ann Marie Wilke, program manager.



Preparticipation Physical Health Form- 2020